Thursday, July 2, 2009

I feel uncomfortable these days, i thought these things, these cases were settle. But why? the way you react shows hate,ignore,away from me. I'm not gonna mention anything about what is going on with me. But i do feel something remorse,desperate and guilty. There is many misunderstanding between you and me. I feel i hate myself, being so selfish, didn't care about your feelings deep inside your heart. I'm so sorry, the selfishness of mine,annoyance of mine. I knew even though i apologize million times to you, you will never forgive me. I knew what is wrong with me. I knew I was wrong. I also knew you keep these things inside your heart , your mind as a secret. Never gonna tell anyone. You were just standing at the corner being alone, not telling anyone/talking to anyone. I knew, i knew you feeling, your reaction , you movement what is gonna do next. i knew.i guess i unable to get back the previous feeling/friendship of us.

(_ _ _ _ _ _ ) i'm sorry, please forgive me. I promised from now on.. i'm not gonna talk to anyone except you...i never abandon you anymore. 000---sign of swearing to god(~^(00)^~)..wish we could get back the previous feeling, the 1st time we know each other..ignore the things that i said before..back to the friendship ^^ best we could hangout together again.

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