Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Who am i? i keep repeating the same question to myself. "Who am i?".A curious sensation overwhelmed me. Pondering, based scientific method , i was born with a tiny little thing called zygote or embryo and my final product is a foetus. Occasionally, i will think something people never think before. Who am i actually? i'm lost, i couldn't explain it. Over the years, i still couldn't get away from this, this sort of question. I feel im living in the darkness. I couldn't get out from here. I would often talk to the god without people noticing. I have been talking to the god all the time, but always one-sided conversation. And i tried asking the same question quite a number, but once i realize there will be no answer from the conversation with the god. In my heart deep inside, full of sorrow...telling me "you will never get the answer for you entire life" . I am lonely, and desperate until i meet "them". They bring me out from the darkness, they gave me more comfort than they used to do.They gave me the energy to built up myself, they save me and motivate me when im lost. Without them, perhaps i still living in a place which constantly made me feel less than human. Who are they actually? They are my best friend until today. They are the members from cempaka beat.....guys ...I LOVE you...ty for so much bring me up ..when i was facing many problem...especially david...ty so much...dude...

Monday, April 13, 2009


Hi guys, it been a long time i din post anything to my blog, anyway. i would like to try my best to post once every single day.Perhaps, i will post once a while..HAHAHA.Well, i just received all my exam paper, is unacceptable. But i would like to try my best to get the best result/ mark as i could. The 1st thing i wanted to do, it to improve my language- English. I still unsatisfied with my mark that i receive from my teacher.But i would like to learn from people.I will use my endurance to complete every single order from teacher.Now, teacher is trying to motivate us, he gave us 5 essay , 5 est and 5 literature every week.I will follow the instruction given by teacher, complete everything. Previously, Puan Azura did not give a work like these before. We just do few homework such as est,essay and some easy job.But mr.alphonsus is the best teacher i ever meet in my life. He push and encourage us to be the top student that he could. He had tried his best, he would never give up to the brainless-buttheads in the school like me and he know the position he standing right now. If compare to puan aimi- principle in our skol and mr.alphonsus, I prefer mr.alphonsus to be the principle for our school, is because i know he would be the great principle in the world. Mr COOL!!! WE 5 COMMERCE 1 LOVE YOU....!!!